A month since my last post and you guys haven't given up on me? Careful, that almost left me speechless. Then we'd be in a real pickle. Me all choked up you havent forgotten the glory days, but unable to tell you that I appreciate it. It's a delicate balance.
So here's some stuff that hopefully you haven't already seen in 100 other places.
- The M4 project has cracked the Enigma code used by Germany in WWII. Even better, you can download their application and help them out.
- This Apple household was underwhelmed with the big meeting announcements yesterday of the iPod Hi-Fi and the Intel Mac Mini. (The boy's iPod is busted and he's considering either a new one or a PSP. Leaning towards the PSP.) I am interested to see that the MacBook Pro, (spits 'cause the name just sucks), is shipping. One thing that never gets old though is making fun of Microsoft.
- I've got a mouse friend running around the office. So far he's smart enough to evade the traps. Coincidentally, the Boy's field mouse that he dumped out of the boat in the barn died this week. Maybe I'll get him to build something like this to catch our visitor.
- We're definitely going to need to hire these folks to put all the tricksies into the MAWB compound.
- While I was tucked away at the undisclosed location MAWB Squad passed its one year anniversary on February 16th. To celebrate, I rescued the domain name yesterday.
- On a more serious note, apparently the Flight 93 Crescent memorial isn't dead. Check Gall and Wormwood here and here.