What, we weren't talking about Apple? Well, buck up, 'cause I'm talking about Apple. I missed my chance to say. "I Want One!", so I'm doing it now. Of course I want one. I am the American consumer personified! Engine of the economy! You really should be thanking me. (Their employees should definitely be thanking me.)
We were Apple before Apple was cool. 1984 punk. Match that you iPod waanabees. We were thinking different before they even thought of thinking different. Where's my lunch with the designer like the cool kids?
Been to the Apple store recently? Two words.
Buy. Stock.
Hey Snady, Good to have you back. I had about given up on you through the Christmas season. I am glad to see you posting again.
I have been a Mac exclusive used since the Lisa Mac back in, Oh, God knows when, I guess 1984. I used to have to put in a floppy to run a crappy program like MacPaint, then put in another floppy to save the file. Those were the days.
Posted by: Derek | January 24, 2006 at 08:58 PM
Hi Chief,
Thanks for the welcome back. The Lisa goes way back. We didn't have one of those. We started with the the Apple IIE. It was the only pre-nup we had. We were getting a computer.
Posted by: Sandy | January 25, 2006 at 06:57 PM
Shalom Sandy,
I'm very glad that rumors of your demise were unfounded.
Posted by: Jeff Hess | January 27, 2006 at 05:05 AM