So the rumors pan out and the new iPod is video, (and for you fashionistas, it's available in black!) It's also thinner and has five hours more of battery life for the same price as the previous iPod sans video. How can I be sure? Because I'm looking at an Apple Store receipt for a 60 gig iPod without video that has a purchase date of Sept. 29 and a return date of Oct. 13......which is tomorrow. Yes Virginia, this is an iPod emergency.
Also new is the iMac G5 with built in camera, lighting, and Frontrow software. The idea is to sit across the room with your remote, bring up Frontrow, and have access to your music, DVD's, videos, etc. Add to the party built in wireless, bluetooth, and Mighty Mouse. Basically they've turned it into a media center.
I gotta run, though. I feel a trip to the nearest Apple store coming on.