You know how it is when you're late for a meeting? Then, all during your long drive the people in front of you in the left lane just won't get out of your way? When you finally get an opening, you're ready to just kick it down and leave everyone in the dust?
So, yeah, that happened to me yesterday. I took the opportunity to pass the last car in front of me by going around them in the right lane. I was headed towards 80 in a 65.
Then he flashed his pretty red and blue lights at me in his back window.
Oops! Why hello officer! (I swear those plates didn't say tax exempt on them.)
Apparently it was my day to be blessed. He didn't stop me.
Now I'm asking myself if I maybe should have bought a lottery ticket.
Is it my imagination or are there more patrol cars on the roads recently? I passed 3 on the way to work this morning at 6 in the morning. It's not as if they're doing a bar crawl.
Posted by: Uncle Ben | September 30, 2005 at 08:52 PM