They're calling the winning memorial design for Flight 93 "The Crescent of Embrace." Go here to see the animated image of the crescent overlaying the memorial.
I saw the story first on Redstate, A Post-Gazette article on the controversy reveals:
Eight family members served on the second-stage jury that selected the final memorial design.
The jurors recognized there could be some backlash because of the
crescent. That's why, in their recommendations, they wrote: "Consider
the interpretation and impact of words within the context of this
event. The crescent should be referred to as 'the circle or arc,' or
other words that are not tied to specific religious iconography."
An earlier article describes the reaction to the design as follows:
In the front row, three family members --a woman who lost her mother, a woman who lost her husband and a woman who lost her brother -- leaned into each other, in a show of love and support.
"It's powerful but understated," said Kiki Homer, whose brother, LeRoy W. Homer Jr., was co-pilot on the plane that crashed after passengers rebelled against terrorist hijackers. "It's beautifully simple.
"My breath is taken away."
Esther Heymann, whose daughter, Elizabeth Wainio, died in the crash, agreed.
"The understatement speaks to the profoundness of what occurred here," she said.
According to jurors who chose the winner, it offers "tranquility, beauty and silence. It will be a place for everyone who visits to feel the spirits of the 40 heroes in the whisper of the trees and honor their unselfish sacrifice of their lives to preserve the lives of countless many."
I have a real hard time going against the family members in this situation. However, I find it incredulous that the design firm did not consider the symbolism of the crescent as it relates to Islam. In support of this viewpoint, why did they specifically choose red maples? For at least a few weeks each year, this memorial will look like a brand upon the landscape, recalling the memory of the hijackers, not the victims.
I understand how elements of the design are very appealing to the families, and I grant that we have not been presented with the detail that they have. However, now that the flaw of memorializing the hijackers has been revealed, it's time to go back to the drawing board and modify the design to eliminate this aspect.
More at Real Clear Politics, Little Green Footballs, An American Expat in Asia, Captain Ed, Pardon My English, Smoothing Plane, Junkyard Blog.
Malkin tells us where to call:
Call the Superintendent of the Flight 93 National Memorial at (814) 443-4557. Or fax (814) 443-2180.
Confederate Yankee reminds us of the WTC Memorial plans:
The Far Left has attempted to hijack the Ground Zero Memorial in lower
Manhattan and turn it into a "Blame America First" monument. Don't let
them Go to Take Back the Memorial and sign the petition.
Update Sept. 27: Aelfheld points to this critique and of course, it's confirmed the design will be changed. (Late getting to this update, cause of life.)
This is such a touching's like having the enemies' flag firmly and permanently planted on your grave.....what f#%*ing morons.
Posted by: marcus aurelius | September 13, 2005 at 08:35 AM
If you look at the drawings, you see a meandering semicircle. I think this is the reason the family members approved. I believe the architect chose the name innocently, For him, it has become a happy accident that it stirred so much controversy. MORE HERE........ AND HERE
Posted by: gowain | September 13, 2005 at 09:13 AM
I can't agree with the Tempest in a Teapot or Much Ado About Nothing analysis.
My gut tells me that any architect would definitely understand the symbolism, and they've put it there for a reason. Also, the presentation may well have been designed to mask the symbolism.
Posted by: Sandy | September 13, 2005 at 12:37 PM
Here is a solution. It involves crosses. LINK
Posted by: gowain | September 13, 2005 at 02:04 PM