If you remember my tale of woe with the hard drive in Crash and Burn, I'm pleased to report there's a happy ending. I was looking at paying megabucks to send the crashed drive off to have the data recovered.
Then, the Apple Store called yesterday. They'd installed my new drive, done some voodoo to get my old drive up, and transferred all my e-mails, drawings, quotes, spreadsheets, contracts, photos......to the new drive. All under warranty. It's a good thing they told me on the phone or I just might have kissed the Genius.
I was doing the Happy Dance all day.
Hopefuly I've learned my lesson for good so if I lose another drive, everything will already be on backups.
(to be read in your best Gene Wilder imitation)
It's alliiiiiive!
Posted by: Jeff | September 30, 2005 at 12:26 PM