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February 17, 2005



Best of luck to MAWB.


bravo! Great idea.I would hate to lose you gu er.gals.
P.S. I think KAR nailed the name... Oh well

Taylor Eisenman

Hi. I am a reporter for the Minnesota Women's Press. I am doing a story about women blogging and was hoping to do an interview with either Margaret or Sandy. If either one of you would be free within the next couple of days, that would be great. If time is an issue we could do an interview over the phone. I unfortunately do not have a blog, so if either one of you could email me that would be fantastic. I look forward to hearing from you.


Taylor Eisenman


So who is Jordan (Jos Attic) posting as or has she not done anything yet? Can't imagine that!


Hi Judy,

Jo has adopted the moniker, "Calamity Jo". If you put Calamity in the search box on the upper right sidebar you should come up with her posts.


Heard about this site on 1280 the Patriot. Glad to hear conservative women doing some blogging.

Cheap Air Jordans

What a great blog! It's a pity that i can't find your rrs address. If you can offer rrs subscription service, i can track your blog easier!

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