Last night at the debate I had David Strom, President of the Taxpayer's League of Minnesota, turn around so I could see for myself if a large target had been painted on his back.
First, Timothy Jensen, President of the Minnesoate State Patrol Association, (their union), equates the lobbying done by the Taxpayer's league with the tax protesting, cop killing, Posse Comitatus. Blogizdat, has a good analysis of why we shouldn't be surprised at the outrageous analogy considering the source. Strom responds to the slur with grace.
But that's not all folks! A Star Tribune editorial equates the Taxpayer's League to the devil! (Reg. Req.)
What should we learn from this? Only one thing. The Taxpayer's League, under the leadership of David Strom is doing their job effectively. They have the liberals in MN hopping mad. If they weren't getting to them, they wouldn't be slamming the No New Taxes pledge like they are. Congratulations on a job well done.