So I think I've mentioned before that I practice extreme sleep deprivation throughout the work week and then make up for it by a major crash on Saturday morning. (Except during soccer season, which calls for early Saturday morning games. I either nap or exist in a fog.) How major? I think the record was last Saturday when I got up at the fine hour of 3:30 PM. (Please hold your applause until the end of the post.) Of course, that wasn't in the cards this past Saturday because it was the day of the big event at Keegans.
Part of adapting to life in the country is making the most of your trips to the city. (Some locals seem to be able to shop for all their needs close to home. As an imported country dweller I'm not so adept.) Even though I get down there about once a week, it seems there's always a long list of things I should get done.
So I set the alarm for nine, overslept, and finally got out of here about one-ish, dropped off the Girl's pals that spent the night and headed out. Turned on the NARN show for the drive to Forest Lake and started on the "list."
- Get nails done - (I got sick of cringing at my fingernails when I'd notice them during meetings.)
- Office Depot
- Cub - New parents kit consisting of one meal, appetizers to desert, that requires no more work than turning on the oven.
- Order Savoy to pick up when I get to St. Paul.
- Drop off dry cleaning - Did you know Gold Eagle in Roseville does dry cleaning by the pound?
- Pick up Savoy - Good thing we didn't try to eat in. Only 5 o'clock and I had to park a block and a half away.
- Stopped by my cousin's house to meet her new baby boy born on Christmas Day. What a cutie. (Yes! I held it. Yes! I smelled it! Luckily I am to the point where I'm past wanting another one of our own.)
Finally off to the M.O.B. party at Keegans! Our social life these days consists of work, kids, and family. So it's a little scary to venture into the outside world, especially to meet a group of people who is so on top of things, but well worth the effort.
I spent some time talking to David Strom about sleep apnea, which I'd researched previously. (I'm really pleased to hear he got diagnosed and is taking care of it.) Blogging celebrity Scott Johnson stopped by while we chatted. Then I stopped and met David's lovely wife Margaret. Their party round up, with lots of pictures, is here.
Off to chat about home security measures with Cathy in the Wright, trendsetting in her flanel PJ's, but we both got caught up in other conversations.
It was a pleasure to meet Mama Ellen and Doug from Bogus Gold. I commend everyone brave enough to try home schooling. I forgot to harass Doug for virtually blowing me away in this post. You just don't get the intriguing psychology of watching the stone cold bluff, eh?
Jo and I talked about dogs. (Jo has a houseful of critters. We had to get rid of the Puppy for going after the Boy.) She then kindly pointed the way to Mary! Mary and I have missed meeting each other at blogging events for the last year or so. We were both flying solo at Keegan's, having left our non-blogging spouses at home, so we shared life stories and teamed up for the remainder of the evening.
We had the pleasure of sharing a table with Swiftee, John of Crazy But Able, Captain Fishsticks, a reporter from Grand Forks and his companion. (I thought his name was Lee, but I can't find him on the Grand Forks Herald site. If you stop by, drop your name in the comments.)
I did stop by and tell Lileks that I bought Interior Desecrations for my nephew for Christmas. We had a great time passing it around and cracking up.
Other sightings: Mitch was a great host as always. Of course the Fraters crew were all in attendance as was King from SCSU Scholars. I missed Captain Ed. Maybe he left before I got there. I met the guys from Freedom Dogs. (Is it just me or does it take their site forever to load?) I'd met Doug from Belief Seeking Understanding at the last M.O.B. gathering.
I'm really sorry I missed meeting Peg from What If, Noodles from People's Republic of Minnesota, and Kelly from The Patriette among others. Speaking of The Patriette, did you read the great news? Josh proposed on Saturday night and she said yes!
Sincere Best Wishes to you both! I'll definitely be praying for you during his tour in Afghanistan.
After Mary and I shared one of Keegan's tasty Corned Beef Sandwiches, I had to head out about 10:30.
What does one do after a M.O.B. gatering? Stop for groceries at CUB of course. Last item on the list for this cities trip. Got home about 1:15. Turned out the lights about 2:30. Up for church at 7. Yes, I napped yesterday afternoon. Why do you ask?
Update: Added some of the M.O.B. links to the sidebar as I typed this. I also forgot to mention we need an open mike or master of ceremonies or something at these gatherings so we manage to meet everyone. How many of us are planning to be at the Hugh/Beinart debate?
Update 2: Learned Foot at the Kool Aid Report deserves special mention for this write up of the M.O.B. party.