John of Argghhh!!! reminds us that Auschwitz was liberated Jan. 27, 1945 and has this to say to Holocaust deniers:
Any Holocaust Deniers, don't bother - I'll just delete the comment. I've seen the camps, the documents, the artifacts. I believe. And I don't believe the Allies were capable of creating a myth whole cloth like that. Just don't waste your time, move on. Any Holocaust Celebrators - leave any traceable data and I'll forward it to the Mossad. Of course, in my experience, most people like that don't have the courage of their convictions.
It's inconceivable that with the wealth of historical and physical evidence and living witnesses that anyone can deny or forget the Holocaust. Yet we know they do.
What will this encouragement of conspiracy theories cost us in the end? Even now the evidence is piling up that Europe chooses not to remember by not addressing the reports of growing anti-semitism, (which I'm sure has nothing to do with its growing Muslim population.........riggggghhhhhtttt.)
The person I am today, doesn't understand. It's just not logical. People can't just ignore history. We can't ignore death camps and mass murder. If we intend to prevent the same type evil from gripping the world, we have to face the evil that was, ever vigilant to stamp out any trace of it reappearing. Yet, it has not always been so close to my heart.
Let me be clear. I knew about Hitler, the war, the death camps, and would never have denied these things occurred. As I said, the evidence is overwhelming.
Yet anti-semitism really wasn't on my radar 12 years ago. Two things have changed my attitude:
My life was changed when I acknowledged God was real, that I had no choice but to believe. I know many of you may not agree, but He leaves me no room to doubt. I have seen His hand, felt His touch. He is more real than I am. One of the verses I ran across soon after was something God said to Abraham:
"And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." (Gen. 12:2)
I could really go on for pages here. Suffice it to say my change of heart, (in relation to God), and subsequent reading led me to a greater love and understanding of the Jewish people and Israel. It was like finally understanding how that piece fit into the puzzle, where the roots of the tree were buried.
Then we come to 09/11. Of course the terrorists were active before that day, but we failed as a nation to focus on them. As we do examine their actions and motives it's obvious they are united in their hatred of Israel. The hatred runs deep enough that the Iranian Mullahs would rather let their people die than accept help from Israel.
Does anyone else wonder how this tiny nation continues to stand, surrounded as it is by its enemies, assailed as they are by violence, with their children blown up on their way to school?
Do you have children? If so, do you ever talk with them about the Holocaust? As we lose the people who lived through the war, it's our responsibility to make sure future generations never forget.