One of the wonderful benefits of the internet is the ability to access the work of great conservative writers with the click of your browser. Besides George Will or William Buckley, who knew all this talent was out there? I grew up reading the local newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which could arguably be described as one of the top 10 left leaning major dailys. (I canceled my subscription about 15 years ago in disgust over a particularly biased comment in a news piece.) The odds of gleaning a thoughtful conservative viewpoint from this publication are akin to me winning the Powerball jackpot tonight.
So, in the vein of Counting Ones Blessings, Brainstorming will be spotlighting the work of conservative writers.
Our first featured writer is Thomas Sowell.
From the jacket of Sowell's book on his life, A Personal Odyssey:
"Bestselling author Thomas Sowell has been on the faculties of leading universities across the country, an economist in the corporate world and government, and a scholar in residence at three think tanks. His books have been translated into nine languages, and his essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, Forbes, and Fortune and are syndicated to 150 newspapers. For the past two decades he has been a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University."
The following selected quotes are from Sowell articles dated Jan. -March 2004, to give you a flavor of Mr. Sowell's writing:
On National Security: When the planes flew into the World Trade Center, that was iron-clad proof. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, that was iron-clad proof. We cannot wait for iron-clad proof in a nuclear age.
On Politics: As a black man, I am offended when white people take the likes of Al Sharpton seriously -- or pretend to.
On Economics: The left-wing spin is that the poor are poor because the rich are rich. That opens the door for a big power-grab by the left in the name of "fairness" or "social justice" or whatever other rhetoric resonates with the unwary and the ill-informed.
On Education: Just as any village idiot can destroy a priceless Ming vase, so the shallow and fad-ridden people in our public schools can undermine and ultimately destroy a civilization that took centuries of effort and sacrifice to create and maintain.
If you're looking for more on Sowell his Townhall biography can be found here and a list of his books here.
We'll continue to feature selected quotes from his columns over the next few days.
P.S. I'm including this post in the Amazing Guest Bloggers! category because the Hubby, (who needs a blog name, any suggestions?), is the Sowell fan and researched all the info for this post, including perusing Sowell's recent columns and pulling quotes to be featured.
Hmmmmm. Maybe HoH for head of household? MOTH for Man of the House? Partner in Crime? Ruler of the Power Tools? Master of the Outdoors? (MOTO)