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February 14, 2005




Thanks for getting a poll up. This will help greatly as we have too many good names to choose from.
I see your message in your e-mail but I'll choose not to lobby for a particular name as I like all of them.


Oooh...I like MNerva as well.


You do realise that '.com' is not your only available extension? '.us' is being used with greater frequency, and you can also get ''.


I do realize that other suffixes are available for websites. Personally I've found it harder to remember those sites since dot com is the most common. (Also I believe most browsers will automatically search for dot com if you just put in the main portion of the address.) That's why I've been favoring blog names that have domains available in dot com. is a common blog extension due to the MuNuvians:

Dot us and dot net are common enough to remember. But, I'd still prefer dot com given a choice.

Thanks for stopping by Brainstorming and please check out the new group blog when we get it up and running.


Is this election women-potential authors only or can anyone vote? I see there are 23 votes already on one of the ballots.

Mrs. LF

None of the above. I personally like the name my husband came up with "Vagina Monoblogs" - it kinda has a ring to it.

Joshua Poe

What the fuck?


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