I like MAWB Squad.
I've been playing with the thesaurus and looked up "publication", which gave me the following thoughts:
MAWB Skinny
MAWB Flash
I still think I like MAWB Squad better. (What? No one went for Get Your Red Hots?) I'd actually like to keep MOB spelled MOB for simplicity sake, but it would be harder to find a domain name starting with MOB. (For example the MOB Squad domain is for sale with a starting price of $688.)
The way I understand domain mapping, we can choose whatever dot com address we want and have it automatically point to the typepad address. I haven't tried it, but it can't be all that hard.
As far as the design, my Typepad account supports multiple blogs, so we can go whatever direction we want:
- Start fresh with a new design
- Rework Brainstorming to suit our needs
If you noticed when you posted, you have the option to date stamp when the post appears. So we could actually transfer over all the posts from our archives if we wanted and have them show up when they were originally posted. I would guess there's actually an easier way to import them if anyone is interested. We'd have to check with Typepad.
FYI, My nephew did the current header on Brainstorming. We could use a standard template until we had a new one designed.
Also, I would guess some of the women of the MOB might want to keep their current blogs and just contribute to the new site.
Update: Hewitt's been on the "swarm" concept. Mob Swarm might be another option.
Update II: Believe it or not, mobsters.com doesn't come up when I try to load it. Could this domain be available? I like the simplicity of it. It could also make for a fun blog theme. CORRECTION. Not available. I've started to use a domain name search and almost every variation of mobsters is taken.
Update III: MAWBSquad.com is available. MOBSquad is only available in .info or .biz configurations. Mobswarm.com is also available.
If we go with MAWBSquad.com, the next thing we need to decide is whether to redesign Brainstorming or to start a new blog. I want to do that before we buy the domain name because it looks like there's a registration site Typepad has worked with that will allow me to point it to the Typepad address as part of buying the domain name and getting it set up. So I would need to know whether to start a new blog under my account or point it to Brainstorming's URL.
Hi DC,
Here are my thoughts. Let's go with a new blog, new design. That way, you can keep Brainstorming as is (in case our efforts fizzle) and it would give us all a fresh start. For that same reason, I wouldn't worry about importing archives from anyone's site. Perhaps we could have a spot on the side bar with brief biographies and links to our original sites.
If possible, let's wait until Monday night to buy a domain. A lot of people don't read blogs on the weekends, and we might have some new ideas from someone checking in on Monday AM. But I love MAWB Squad, and I think MAWBsquad.com would be great. (with Typepad inserted)
I was wondering about categories. I noticed you use them. Do you think we should come up with a few to get started? (News/Politics - Domestic - Local Scene - Blogging Related - etc.)
You mentioned something in the email (haven't read it all yet) about authors vs. master account holder? I think we should just have one or two people in charge of altering the site. We can always email someone to add a blog to the roll or suggest a change. The rest of us should just be authors.
Again, I am more than willing to pick up all costs. If you are willing to do the techie stuff, I will pay the bills. I can either pay you back or I can send you my info to get bills sent to me. Whatever works easier for you.
I'm excited. I didn't think this would be taken up with such enthusiasm. Thanks a million for keeping the ball rolling.
Posted by: Cathy | February 13, 2005 at 12:09 PM
I'm all for MAWBSquad.com but this is not a dictatorship so we can hold off until every puts in two cents.
Speaking of $, once you get the determined domain, let me know how much so I can toss some money into this.
I think you're right, many will want to stay at old blogs as well. I might even stay at mine as an occasional contributor.
I feel no need to bring my old archives with me. Maybe a profile picture but that is it.
Posted by: Jo | February 13, 2005 at 12:12 PM
Another thought - photos...is it easy to post photos in Typepad? I've seen them here before. What's your opinion.
Posted by: Cathy | February 13, 2005 at 12:14 PM
Hi Ladies!
It's easy to put photos in a post. On the post entry page, one of the little icons is a picture and when you put your cursor over it it should say, "Insert Image."
Step one is to choose the file you're uploading. Step two is to use the default setting or custom settings. I always use custom, which gives you the option to wrap text left or right, do you want a thumbnail with a popup, etc. (So I don't actually know what the default is set to.)
As far as costs. The blog is already paid for. The domain name is really cheap. I'm fine with covering the initial costs. The only future cost I see that might be an issue is if we start really driving traffic and go over our bandwidth. (I'm only at about 10% now.) We can cross that bridge when we come to it.
I've had group blog envy for so long, this is all upside! I'm trying to work on a M.A.W.B. Squad banner, but I really suck at photoshop. It'll be a miracle if I can manage anything but text.
I'm one of those people that usually don't read blogs on weekends. Fortunately I have some down time right now due to the Chinese New Year.
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 12:44 PM
I forgot to mention that you can also have photo albums on Typepad. I have one on the upper right hand side for London.
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 12:51 PM
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