How about (Abigail Adams admonition to John Adams when she pointed out that the women were just as important as men to the revolutionary war making gunpowder and bandages.)
Also or is that too 2nd amendment sisters?
The one thing with an acronym is that it's harder to remember for people who are typing it and harder to pass on verbally over the din of a bar.
Just my 1.5 cents
That was my concern about MAWB rather than MOB. I can just imagine trying to tell Hewitt in an on air phone call. (Another reason I would choose .com vs. another suffix.)
I like Remember The Ladies and the .com version is available.
I'm all for touting the 2nd amendment too. :)
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 01:15 PM
Since we all have other blogs we can take our time working on this.
I think we have a crew of some very talented people so it's worth hammering out a bit before we start shelling out $ to get it going.
Everyone has had great name ideas. I do like anything with a gun.
Maybe we should conduct a poll here on this site and get some response from the blogosphere?
Posted by: Jo | February 13, 2005 at 01:48 PM
I like the idea of a gun. Perhaps in the logo? A woman sitting at a computer, a Glock in a thigh holster, toddler clinging to one leg, co-worker or boss hanging over her shoulder...
Posted by: Cathy | February 13, 2005 at 02:17 PM
"You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you'll find me in a pile of brass." ~~ Tpr. M. Padgett is available.
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 03:01 PM
I'm pretty sure that typepad lets you add additional blogs without paying out any more dough. If DC doesn't mind - we can just add a new one that way.
But GUNS???? Oh my goodness. I hate 'em - and have blogged about it - though I appreciate that to some degree, it's cognitive dissonance. (I've read many pieces that do explain a gun will afford people better protection than no gun.)
Guess I can be the token wimp/lefty at least on this issue!
Personally, however, I'd rather focus a name on something much more broad (heh heh heh).
Posted by: Peg K | February 13, 2005 at 06:57 PM
OK Number one, we have to get Peg to the farm for a shooting party.
Even if we didn't use the quote I like Pile of Brass because there's a bunch of us and the description "brassy" may well apply.
I tried Mob Chic, but it's not available. Too bad. I liked that.
MOB Dames is available in dot com.
I've never done a poll, have you Jo? Anyone?
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 07:30 PM
The following are also available:
Mob Hideout
Mob Haven
Mob Villa
And Peg, yes my Typepad account will support multiple blogs at no extra cost. However, the address would get really long, so we're planning to do domain mapping so a regular dot com address will bring you right to the blog. Registering a new domain name is pretty cheap, so no worries.
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 07:45 PM
MOB Zilla, anyone??
MOB E. Schtick (the Great Wide Wail)
I know. I have a diseased mind....
Posted by: Peg K | February 13, 2005 at 08:35 PM
Mob Zilla would make me feel related to a monster.
How about Petticoat MOB or Pajama MOB?
Posted by: DC | February 13, 2005 at 09:21 PM
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