We've all become accustomed to the accusation that we are literally killing the earth by our mere presence leading to global warming. Hollywood took up the cause and produced the worst movie ever, the Day After Tomorrow, (ala the 1983 nuclear scare movie The Day After.) Instead of frightening us about global warming, we were all terrified by the stupidity of the plot. But, I digress.
Now a group of American climate experts have decided that humans and our activities have saved us from a new ice age!
Scientists have traditionally viewed the relative stability of the Earth's climate since the end of the last ice age 10,000 years ago as being due to natural causes, but there is evidence that changes in solar radiation and greenhouse gas concentrations should have driven the Earth towards glacial conditions over the last few thousand years.
What stopped it has been the activity of humans, both ancient and modern, argue the scientists.Over the last 8,000 years carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have gradually risen, when previous trends indicated that it should have dropped.
Methane, another greenhouse gas, had also increased instead of fallen.
First Reaction: Make up your minds, people!
Second Reaction: Whoo Hoo! My SUV is saving the planet, baby!
Third Reaction: I lived to see the Population Bomb theory disproven. I didn't believe them when they said there was a global warming crisis. Why would I believe them this time?