The way buzz spreads when there's a new Apple product, you'd almost think that us Mac heads are plugged into a wireless network allowing Apple to beam new product releases directly into the forefront of our conciousness. Why is it a company with a reportedly miniscule market share of total PC sales, has so many users to represent it in the blogosphere? Keep in mind, the links here represent just a sampling from local bloggers.
On to the products themselves. First the Mac mini. I wasn't too impressed when the rumor was leaked that Apple was coming out with a machine for $499 with no monitor and no keyboard. Now I'm won over by the 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" x 2" size. I think people will love the portability.
On to the iPod Shuffle. I want one. For my needs I couldn't see buying an iPod, but $99 for this sounds "just right" in the words of Goldilocks, and it's tiny. Kids who've wanted an iPod can afford it now too.
So, here's what I find really really frightening. Our family has been Mac only since 1984. Any long time Apple customer has become accustomed to the naysayers and has even been trained to dismiss Apple's moves themselves. "They're doing what?" This time we all seem to be saying, "Wow. This could be a good thing." To top it off, Apple blew away earning estimates reporting $295 million for the quarter ending Dec. 25 compared to $63 million a year ago.
What does it all mean??? I'm so confused. It reminds me of being a democrat and having my worldview challenged by the red states.
I did manage a little sigh of relief when Cavuto had someone on to bash these two as the wrong move for Apple. Whew! I can hang on to my Napolean complex a little longer.
Update: Get that grungy computer screen cleaned here.
What's really weird is that I'd no sooner posted this to my blog when I noticed the hits spike. Turns out people were linking from Technorati off my mention of the products. And all I did was link to Apple's website. I don't mind the traffic, and in fact I welcome it. But why not just go to Apple's website in the first place? Still, both the products look very cool. Unfortunately, I just bought a new iBook last summer that has most of what the mini has. Maybe next time... Nice blog, BTW.
Posted by: Muzzy | January 12, 2005 at 09:47 PM
You mean they aren't?
*points to his tinfoil hat*
Posted by: drunkenbatman | January 14, 2005 at 04:22 AM