It's frightening to me how thin the line can be between living an average life, and making One Bad Decision that can change everything for the worse, temporarily or forever. I think the possibility that a wrong turn can seriously screw your life up for a good long time is hidden from the young. For them it's inconceivable. On the flip side, it's the knowledge of the same possibility of making that One Bad Decision that gives parents nightmares.
As a parent you know your kid can get into a car with the wrong person just once and end up dead. You know that your kid could be careless one time or follow the wrong crowd, because all of us have made stupid decisions at one time or another. Most of the time the worst case doesn't happen. Maybe it's the fact that we've made bad decisions and lived to tell the tale that we sometimes fail to seriously consider the consequences or the possible outcomes of our actions, even if we know what we're doing isn't exactly the "right" thing to do.
Desicanuk, (not his real name), a college junior in pre-med and Mac aficionado, received a Beta copy of Apple's new OS, Tiger. He was given free access to Apple's developer site. You know those legal agreements that pop up whenever you install anything? Naturally since developers have access to a company's intellectual property, a Non Disclosure Agreement was included in the sign up process.
Then came that life changing decision. Desicanuk went to a closed Mac users site and uploaded the file. The upload was interrupted by a moderator who'd received a letter from Apple legal. But it was too late. The damage had been done.
Apple has filed suit against Desicanuk and two others. They are seeking a jury trial, an injunction against further distribution, and damages. In other words, this kid is in it deep. He can look forward to legal bills, headaches, and possibly worse.
Drunken Blog, whose tech abilities are way over my head, interviewed Desicanuk on the whole mess.
Why did you leak the Tiger build?
This is a tricky question to answer. In all honesty, I assumed that it wouldn't be a big deal if I shared this with like minded mac fans. From what I understood, other pre-releases were being uploaded to the site, so I figured mine wouldn't be any different.
Obviously he's since discovered it is indeed a very big deal.
I'm not defending Desicanuk. Protecting intellectual property is vital to businesses being able to function in the marketplace. What he did was wrong. (A fact he now acknowledges.) There should be legal consequences.
Yet, I hope the lawsuit can be resolved to Apple's satisfaction without destroying this guy's life long term.
Maybe it's the parent in me. The thought of making that One Bad Decision and the thin line between a normal life or lots of sorrow is a theme my mind has dwelt on. Because you can't be there to hold their hand every minute. You can't make their decisions for them. You don't have any guarantee that a life won't spin out of control.
The best you can do is to point out the hazards in life. To teach them right from wrong. To warn them of the consequences of One Bad Decision. Then pray when you send them out into the world.
Sounds like we're in very similar trains of thought lately.
Posted by: drunkenbatman | January 16, 2005 at 01:17 PM