Is it possible to be more productive by limiting the amount of time you allow yourself to work? I haven't tried it myself, but anecdotal experience does lend the idea some credence. Think about the last time you had to accomplish something at work before you had to leave for an appointment. Were you more productive than usual or less productive?
DC - While I never tell myself "I'm only going to work for 2 hours (or 4 or 7) on some work project, I do limit myself in this sense.
When I find myself getting bored, or tired, or losing focus - I do something else. I find that when I am more relaxed and energized, the work that I do is far superior and far more effective. Of course, there are times where I MUST do something, irrespective of how I feel - and I just do it.
Still, I find that working according to this principle pays dividends for me.....
Posted by: Peg K | December 06, 2004 at 06:45 PM