Have I mentioned that I'm slightly paranoid when it comes to personal privacy? Take Onstar for instance, you know the service where you call their number and they perform magic by unlocking your doors, calling an ambulance, etc. As helpful as the idea sounds, I abhor the concept that someone, somewhere can call up the location of my vehicle at any time. It's much too 1984 for me.
Sure, I'm just a boring average middle class American, not a clandestine spy, and the Onstar agent would find me the least likely candidate to track vicariously..........
Onstar agent: I see it's youth group night and she's headed to drop the Boy off at church.
Onstar agent: Ah. They must need to check the post office box. It's off to town for lunch!
Onstar agent: The drive through at Arby's today. She must have a meeting in the cities. Bet that Hot Ham and Cheese tastes good right now.
You get the idea. Not the fodder of your classic suspense novel, right? Yet it gives me no comfort. I can't reconcile myself to the idea that anyone could keep track of me and for that reason I would not want a car that shows up somewhere on a GPS screen that some stranger has access to.
So, when Teresa reports that they're now tracking school students with RFID tags, I freak out a little bit. It amazes me that the parents in the story seem so blase' about their kids being monitored. This parent would object. (Besides who wants to miss out on the perfect opportunity to embarass their kids by being loud and obnoxious? Not me!)
LOL - blase - they seemed extremely happy about it!!! It freaks me out too. How in the world are kids ever going to grow up and learn the stuff they need to survive in the world, if someone is always "watching" them? Yeah, kids do stupid stuff - sometimes even dangerous stuff - and every adult is only alive today by the grace of God who said - this isn't the day where your idiocy will get you into trouble. We are slowly becoming a nation run by nannies - so what happens when we get to the point where no one knows enough about survival to be a nanny? Scary thought...
Posted by: Teresa | November 24, 2004 at 03:14 PM