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June 03, 2004



I loved reading Ann's story, thank you. I very much believe that it was not only possible, but happens with much more frequency than anyone would suspect.

In 1982 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor via CTscan and MRIs. Scheduled for surgery at Hermann Hospital in Houston, I went to [even though I had converted to Catholicism in 72, I was raised Baptist] the little Baptist church I had attended nearly my entire life. I asked for and received prayer. At that time I knew everything was fine; I wasn't worried anymore.

Went through testing for 2 more weeks in hospital, and when the time came for the actual surgery I had the ministers from 2 churches as well as family and friends choking the waiting room, praying the entire time.

After it was over the doctors emerged, scratching their heads and mumbling. There had been a tumor; they had seen it in every way possible.... but when they opened me up it was a fluid filled cyst, or pocket where something had been. They suctioned the fluid out and closed me up.
The shouts praising God filled the place!

I don't tell this story unless asked or the situation calls for it, and after years... this is the 2nd time this week I've had occasion to share. Something's up. ;)

I hope you don't think I did this to take away from Ann's story, I only wanted to add a postscript.

Our Lord is indeed a merciful and loving God.



On the contrary, I'm so glad you shared your story here. The more the merrier. I suspect as you do that it happens more often then we think.


Witnessing the Power of God is most increadable. Thanks.


This story was wonderful. I believe that everything happens for a reason. It's not for us to figure out why it happens, it just does. Whether you belive in a God or not.

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