I was up at 6:30. Convinced the Girl to take Fudge Stripes for the game they were playing in class, which got me out of having to leave the house to get a bag of candy. Yeah! Fudge Stripes for everyone! I do not regret buying those 5 packages when they were on sale at Cub, even if they are temptation personified.
After watching the buses leave with my precious cargo aboard, I settled down on the couch with the morning news, eventually closing my eyes. (I was just resting them. Uh-huh.)
Within five minutes I was awakened by a deafening silence.
My closest neighbor is a couple acres away, and as you can imagine, we have little traffic. (Two cars! In a row! I wonder what's going on?)
Yet, our digital lifestyle apparently generates a lot of background hum. Because when the power goes out, the absence of noise is really loud. It can wake a person right up......from resting their eyes, of course.
It's not all that unusual to have a blip. But when the blip goes 10 minutes, I make the obligatory call to the power providers, the men of the red trucks, feeling all the while that surely every neighbor has already called, and of course they already know there's a problem. Hmmm. They're working on the lines, but any outage should only have been a minute or so.
A call from the office. Yes. Silence here too. Have called the men in red trucks.
Within about 40 minutes, a red truck appears, first at the neighbors, then finds its way up our drive. Ahhh. The problem is quickly discovered. Fried squirrel.
The squirrel left with the red truck or I would have taken a picture for your viewing pleasure. The driver said something about dinner. Pre-cooked!
Last week was Must Accomplish Everything Week. This week is Decompression Week. Though we will be at the Hewitt Beinart debate tomorrow, Thursday. Decompression has left me particularly lazy, obviously consuming more blogginess than I have cared to produce. There's a ton of cool stuff to read about out there. Have you noticed I'm not much of a blogger? Oh well. It doesn't keep me awake nights.
Just now I was accused of Breaking the Truck, which falls into the category of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. I must go now to Deny! Deny! Deny!
Update Feb. 9: Corrected day of Hewitt - Beinart debate.